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Read MoreAny weapon is a good weapon as long as ye can use it with honor and skill.
The teachers are experts, who strive to enable all students to reach their potential.
Teach love, generosity, good manners and some of that will drift from the classroom
SET is Working in the field of Entrepreneurship for last 10 years.We are organizing various types of self Employment related Skill base Training Programe in the entire state of Maharashtra. We offer to conduct free seminars at premises for valuable customers. We are organizing short term practical oriented programs which have mention Below.
We are talking, of course, about the slew of new features that slowly but surely become standard over time. This year, we have all kinds of new things to look forward to, from new Skill techniques and Development to futuristic technology that allows drivers to see in all directions, and even in the dark.
The institute makes arrangement for the students to have the industrial visits and education tour. This is very useful to the student to Learn latest trends in the industries. This helps to bridge the gap between institute & industries.
Read MoreWe have a very good team of experienced faculty members for coaching the students in their studies for the courses selected by them. Each faculty member give quality training to the students & can in turn benefit in their features and give exposure and the focus on relating theoretical issues
Read MorePractical of various subjects of all the branches are conducted in well equipped Workshops as per the syllabus. also used 5s Training so every student work in excellent radius and get 100% postive feedback in his career.
Institute majorly give practical based syallabus so every student have opportunity to give his result and learn new thing for his feature work
Read MoreBesides the Qualification / Degree/ Diploma, organizations are looking at certain competencies during the interview process. There are certain skills or competencies over and above the technical skills that students have learnt during the course, some time institute have play major role to understand student views and how to used there own creativity in his career path.
Read MoreThe Placement department provides career resources for the students who seek inplant training as part of curriculum. However the student is ultimately responsible for securing his / her own job. Institute provides resources, contacts and information to help students to determine career plan that caters individual background and goal.
Read MoreThis Skilled courses are Teach in SET Institute.
Information of care of the Vechile
Basic Theory of Two Wheeler repairing
Practicals and Service stations
Washing Centres/Spare Shoppy
Introduction of various Types of Engines
Market Review of saleing
Business review in Market.
Types of Xerox machines
Working of Xerox machines
Identify the faults
Rectify the faults
Spare parts Management
Scope of business
Error code
Theory of refrigeration
Parts of A.C. & fridge
Identify Various faults
Rectify the faults
Tools, spare parts management
Visits to cold storage, ice factory
On job training at service centers
Fundamentals of Web designing.
Web Page Creation by Using Designing Software
Fromatting With HTML
Web page Guidance.
Guidance ForDesigning Concept.
Hands On Training On Live site
Practically learn & work with your own hands.
On job training at reputed company show rooms, Learn from expert.
Spare parts management.
Guidance to start workshop & washing centre.
Information about Govt. loan schemes.
Theory of Basic Electricity
Information of Tools
Electrical Accessories
Conductor/Insultators and wires/cablesTypes of Wiring/Earthing
Joints/Soldering/Taping, Types of Bulbs
Fan: ceiling /Table/exhaust/Electric bell
Practials of wiring/electricity
22 years of experience in Automobile Reaparing
35 years of experience in AC/Fridge Reparing
30 years of experience in Xerox/Printer Reparing
The auto industry must acknowledge that a rational transportation policy should seek a balance between individual convenience, the efficient use of limited resources, and urban-living values that protect spaciousness, natural beauty, and human-scale mobility.
Often motivated by a desire to maintain the existing status quo, sloth almost cost the U.S. its auto industry, as it refused for decades to build fuel-efficient cars to compete with Japanese, Korean and European imports.
A number of us had conversations with the Kerry campaign about what he was going to say about CAFE. What he told us was that he did not want to sacrifice jobs and that he wanted to work with the auto industry to achieve that goal.